Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Research Article
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 3 (5S): 1 - 6. Special Issue-5 (Emerging, Re-Emerging and Important Infectious Diseases of Animals)
Figure 1

Rectal temperature of experimentally infected piglets showing rise in temperature from 3-4th dpi with peak on 14-15th dpi


Figure 2

Clinical signs in experimentally infected piglets: A. Cyanosis of ear base; B. Dead carcass with cyanotic discoloration at inner side of abdomen and legs


Figure 3

Detection of CSFV antigen in blood of experimentally infected piglets using priocheck CSFV Ag. Kit. All the animals were found to be positive from 6th dpi with gradual increase in titre till death