Journal of Rehabilitation and Health
Guidelines for contributors
This peer reviewed international journal publishes review articles, original research papers, short communications and case reports with the understanding that they have not been published and/or are not being considered for publication elsewhere in the world in any form. Further, it is considered that all the authors named in the manuscript are agreed with manuscript contents and are responsible for the validity as well as originality of data. The journal administration is not or will not be supposed to agree with scientific contents and data therein published in the manuscripts. The submitted manuscripts are being evaluated for Similarity Index using appropriate software and if it is found more than 15%, manuscript is considered to be rejected and thus, will not be processed further until re-written. As a good lab practices applied throughout the world, It is assumed that the submitted work has been conducted in accordance with the biological welfare laws acceptable worldwide and/or laws of the country where the work was undertaken; however, the journal management has the right to reject any manuscript where there is enough reason to believe that necessary laws and procedures have not been followed. The copyrights of the published manuscripts belong to the journal/publisher. All the submitted contributions are subjected to the panel of editors for revision. Furthermore, editor and/or editorial board's decision regarding manuscript acceptance/rejection will be final and can’t be challenged anywhere.
Withdrawal policy: Authors are not allowed to with draw accepted articles. Only serious authors are welcome to submit articles or/otherwise authors with such practices will be blacklisted to submit in future.
Regular Articles: Articles should be as concise as possible; however, it should not exceed approximately 5000 words or about 10-12 pages of the journal including illustrations and tables.
The submitted articles should be divided into the following sections;
(a) Abstract of approximately 100-300 words describing in clear but briefly about background, methodology, results and statistical analysis use, recent findings and conclusion. The key words (3–6) should also be indicated at the end of abstract.
(b) Introduction stating clearly the purpose of work done
(c) Materials and Methods
(d) Statistical analysis
(e) Results
(f) Discussion
(g) Acknowledgements
(h) Conflict of interest, if any
(i) References
(j)Tables and figures must be arranged/uploaded at the end of the manuscript
Short Communications: Short communications/case studies should be concise containing about 1500-2500 words or about 3 pages of the Journal, including illustrations, tables and references. An abstract of 100-200 words should be included. The short communication should not include any heading or sub-heading. Only abstract should be separated from the rest of write up. The total number of references should not exceed more than fifteen.
Reviews: Review articles are also welcomed. Authors should have background of the work and are encouraged to consult the editor in advance before submission. References of the books should be avoided in writing the review articles. The article must include introduction, appropriate headings in the text and conclusion.
It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that about 40-60% of the references should be within five years of relevant work for each form of publication and the submitted manuscripts comply with journal format.
Online submission: Authors should submit their manuscript online through web link present on journal website. Direct submission to the editor is not encouraged and neither will it be entertained. The authors are encouraged to register online to the journal and submit their manuscript. The online system is helpful for ease in process involved from submission to publishing of manuscript. If there is any discrepancy or something difficult to understand, please don’t hesitate to contact journal administration via “contact” link available at homepage.
Title Page: The title page should include:
• Type of article e.g., research article/review
•A concise and informative title in capital letters
•Running title of the manuscript
•The FULL name(s) of the author(s) in the order of appearance in the manuscript
•Number of table(s) and figure(s) in the manuscript
•The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)
•The e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author
Text Formatting:
•Only manuscript written and submitted in Word (2007 or later) is acceptable
•Should have one inch margin on each side of the page
•Lines should be numbered
•Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 12-point Times Roman) for text
•Italics may be used to emphasize on certain points
•Automatic page numbering (bottom right) should be used to number the pages in manuscript
•Avoid using field functions
•For indent, use tab stops or other commands, not the space bar.
•To make tables, use the table function, not spreadsheets
•Use the equation editor or MathType for equations.
Please avoid using more than three levels of displayed headings.
Symbols and Abbreviations:
With respect to symbols in the manuscript, System International (SI) should be used. Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
Footnotes to the text are numbered consecutively; those to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data).
Acknowledgments of people involved, national or international grants and/or funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section (both in regular article and short communications) before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full, abbreviation should be avoided.
Conflict of interest:
This note should be added in a separate section before the reference list after the acknowledgment. If there exist no conflict, the authors should state no conflict of interest. All benefit from a commercial party, either directly or indirectly to the contents of this manuscript or any of the authors/co-authors must be recognized.
The typescript should be carefully checked to ensure that the spelling of the author’s names and dates are exactly the same as mentioned in the reference list. In the text, the references should be cited as: Steriti (2010) or (Steriti, 2010), Zhu and Qian (2006) or (Zhu and Qian, 2006), Zovka et al. (2010) or (Zovka et al., 2010). If there is more than one citation to correspond to author’s statement, each reference should be separated as (Zhu and Qian, 2006; Steriti, 2010; Zovka et al., 2010). All the references cited in the text should be written at the end of manuscript and must be arranged alphabetically as follows:
Steriti R (2010). Berberine for Diabetes Mellitus Type 2. Nat. Med. J. 2(10): 5 - 6.
Zhu F, Qian C (2006). Berberine chloride can ameliorate the spatial memory impairment and increase the expression of interleukin-1beta and inducible nitric oxide synthase in thrat model of Alzheimer's disease. BMC Neurosci. 7: 78.
Zovko KM, Kremer D, Karlović K, Kosalec I (2010). Evaluation of antioxidant activities and phenolic content of Berberis vulgaris L. and Berberis croatica Horvat. Food. Chem. Toxic. 48(8-9): 2176 - 2180
Authors are encouraged to avoid citation of books, monographs, proceedings or thesis due to limited availability worldwide. However, if necessary to cite, it should include: name of authors or editor(s), year of publication, title, Publisher and place of publication and beginning and final page numbers of the relevant chapter, as shown below:
Ray DE (2001). Pyrethroid insecticides: mechanisms of toxicity, systemic poisoning syndromes, parenthesis and therapy. In: Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, Academic Press, San Diego, USA, Volume 2: 1289 – 1303.
For a paper in published symposium proceedings or a chapter in multi-author books:
Lowe KF, Hamilton BA (1986). Dairy pastures in the Australian tropics and subtropics. In: G.T. Murtagh and R.M. Jones (eds), Proceedings of the 3rd Australian conference on tropical pastures, Rockhampton, 1985, (Tropical Grassland Society of Australia, St. Lucia; Occasional Publication 3), 68 - 79
•Arabic numerals should be used to number the tables
•Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order
•For each table, please provide a title describing the components of the table
•Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body. For journal abbreviations please visit
Art work and Illustrations:
The art work and relevant illustrations are encouraged to submit in an electronic format. Soft copy of all illustrations/graphs prepared should be provided in Excel to adjust quality and size. JPEG or TIFF format should be used for figures along with appropriate size letter and numerals. The size of letter and numerals should be of consistent size in all the illustration or figures along with caption. MS office files are also acceptable. Captions should be numbered in Arabic and typed separately from the illustrations. Each provided figures/illustrations should not be embedded in text. The illustration/photographs will be published in black and white; however, if required, color printing facility is provided to authors on payment basis. For details, contact the editorial office; the detail is available on website.
Potential reviewers:
While online submission, the authors are requested to provide 3 – 4 potential relevant reviewers from developed countries with their complete details (designation, institute, postal address, telephone, fax and official e-mail address). After initial review in the journal management, the manuscript may be sent to few of the given reviewers; however, the publication largely depends upon the response of reviewers and time taken by them in reviewing the manuscript.
Galley proofs:
The manuscripts are typeset as per journal published format upon satisfactory revision and acceptance. Once it is done, the proofs will be sent to authors for correction through E-mail, if required. The authors are requested to return the manuscript with minor changes within a week time. For instruction about making changes, please follow this link:
As the journal is available online, no hard copy will be provided to the corresponding author on publication of his/her article. The article will be available freely from net where it can be downloaded from anywhere. However, if required, the coloured prints will be available upon payment.