Research Journal for Veterinary Practitioners

Research Journal for Veterinary Practitioners (ISSN 2308-2798) is an international and peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research papers, short communication, case reports and reviews on all aspects of veterinary practices. For details see aims and scope.
ICV 2014: 74.35
Standardized Value: 7.20
SJIF 2012 = 3.402 (Scientific Journal Impact Factor Value for 2012)
International Scientific Indexing (ISI) (impact Factor) 0.259
InfoBase Index RJVP 3,43 (2014-15)
Under evaluation
Universal Impact factor
Manuscript processing time
"Decision on Manuscript is Conveyed in 3-4 Weeks, Accepted articles are published immediately in current issue"
Rejection rate 43%
Special Issue 1, 2016 “Mycotoxins in Animal Feed: Impact on Livestock and Poultry Productivity and Control Strategies”
Important Dates Submissions: 25th March 2016 to 14th August 2016
Date of Publication: Continuous (as soon as manuscripts are accepted) but no later than 1st September 2016