Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Research Article
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 4(12): 642-647
Figure 1

Various inflammatory and secretory cells Newman’s stain X 1000: A) Polymorphonuclear cells/ Neutrophils; B) Degenerating neutrophils; C) Lymphocytes; D and E) Macrophages with irregular cell membrane and basophilic engulfed material; F and G) Desquamated secretory glandular epithelial cells; H) Large desquamated secretory glandular epithelial cell with granulesMicroscopically milk showing occasional inflammatory cells in Newman’s stain X 200

Figure 2

Microscopically mastitis infected milk showing abundant inflammatory cells in Newman’s stain X 200 

Figure 3

Detection of SCM by CMT test 

Figure 4

Detection of mastitis by EC test using milk checker instrument