Journal of Infection and Molecular Biology

Journal of Infection and Molecular Biology (ISSN: 2307-5465 (Online) ISSN: 2307-5716 (Print)) publishes original research papers, short communication, case reports and reviews on all aspects of infection biology. For details see aim and scope of the journal.
Editor-in- Chief:
B. V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., PhD.
Senior Scientist,
Division of Animal Genetics
ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243122, Bareilly (U.P.), India
Global Impact factor (0.365)
International Scientific Indexing (ISI) (impact Factor 2013) 0.263
ICV: 62.02 (Index Copernicus International Value)
Under evaluation for
Universal Impact factor
Manuscript processing time
"Decision on Manuscript is Conveyed in 3-4 Weeks, Accepted articles are published immediately in current issue"
Rejection rate 56%