Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Research Article
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 9(12): 2201-2215
Figure 1

Feline physical and radiographic examination. Physical and radiographic examination of diseased animals (A-D). Queens with different tumor sizes (A-C), and Queen with lung metastasis (D).  

Figure 2

Feline mammary carcinoma. Representative pictures for H&E demonstrated hyperplasia of ductal epithelial with gland formation (A-C) (H&E: A, C X 200 & B X 400). Positive CD44 peroxidase reaction (brown color) in the cell membrane of lining epithelium (D) (CD44-peroxidase X 400). IHC showed a positive CD133 peroxidase reaction (brown color) in both cytoplasm and cell membrane of ductal lining epithelium (E) (CD133-peroxidase X 200). 

Figure 3

Flow cytometry detection of (CD44+/CD24- ) and CD133+ cell populations in Feline PB. (Fluorescence level of CD44 (PE) versus CD24 (FITC) (A-C)); Healthy cat (A), a diseased cat without lung metastasis (B) and diseased cat with lung metastasis (C). The data are representative of one cat in each animal group (GA, GB). Fluorescence level of CD133 (PE) versus cellular complexity (SS: SS) (D-F); Healthy cat (D), Diseased cat without lung metastasis (E), and diseased cat with lung metastasis (F). 

Figure 4

Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. (CD44+/CD24-) cells (A) and CD133+ cells (B). 
