Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Research Article
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 9(12): 2047-2053
Figure 1

Presence of Syphacia oblevata worms by direct examination of gastrointestinal contents in different environmental condition groups. 

Figure 2

(A) Presence of two mites at 100x magnification. Yellow circle: Mite is oval-shaped with shorter III and IV limbs; Red circle: Mite is elongated in shape. (B) Closer view of mite with appearance of 4 pairs of segmented limbs at 400x magnification. 

Figure 3

Post-hoc test on relationship between environmental conditions and parasites present in BALB/c mice by gastrointestinal examination method. Values in Group A and B differed significantly than Group C at P < 0.005.

Figure 3

Post-hoc test on relationship between environmental conditions and parasites present in BALB/c mice by gastrointestinal examination method. Values in Group A and B differed significantly than Group C at P < 0.005.

Figure 3

Post-hoc test on relationship between environmental conditions and parasites present in BALB/c mice by gastrointestinal examination method. Values in Group A and B differed significantly than Group C at P < 0.005.