Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Research Article
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 5(8): 334-341
Figure 1

E. coli colonies with characteristic (A): Pink colour, lactose fermenting colonies on MacConkey agar (B) greenish metallic sheen on Eosin methylene blue (EMB) agar 

Figure 2

Gram staining showing gram negative E.coli bacilli

Figure 3

Gel image showing amplified product of E.coli virulence gene
Lane 1 : Molecular Marker of 100 bp; Lane 2: iss +ve control; Lane 3: iss representative sample; Lane 4: papC +ve control; Lane 5: papC representative sample; Lane 6:tsh +ve control; Lane 7: tsh representative sample; Lane 8: vat +ve control; Lane 9 : vat representative sample 

Figure 4

Graph showing virulence genes profile of thirty broiler flocks positive for Avian Pathogenic E.coli 

Figure 5

Plate showing in-vitro Antibiotic Susceptibility Test for E.coli isolates 

Figure 6

Graph showing percentage of in-vitro Antibiotic Susceptibilityof the E. coli isolates