Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Research Article
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 4 (1): 53 - 56
Figure 1

Infiltration of more plasma cells in medullary area
Fibrin threads are found throughout the medulla with lymphoid depletion; H&E x400

Figure 2

Necrosis of cortical area characterized by karyolysis and karyorrhexis
The area is surrounded by macrophages (histiocytes); H&E x400

Figure 3

Reactive hyperplasia in mesenteric lymph node
In cortex, number of follicles is increased and also showing increased number of lymphocytes; H&E x100

Figure 4

Depletion of follicles in the cortex and medulla
Sheet of inflammatory cells are present over homogenous meshwork of fibrin strands; H&E x100

Figure 5

Depletion of follicles in cortex
Thinning of cortex and widened subcapsular space, fibrin threads are also visible; H&E x400