Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Research Article
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 3 (1S): 16 -21. Special Issue-1 (Biotechnological and molecular approaches for diagnosis, prevention and control of infectious diseases of animals)
Figure 1A
Detection of amplification of cDNA of VP7 genes of buffalo rotavirus in l% agarose gel electrophoresis of buffalo rotavirus Isolates by RT- PCR
Lanes: M- 100 bp DNA Ladder, 1-11: BoRVA VP7 gene products, 12: no template control.
Figure 1B
Detection of amplification of cDNA of VP4 genes of buffalo rotavirus in l % agarose gel electrophoresis of buffalo rotavirus Isolates by RT- PCR
Lanes: M- 100 bp DNA Ladder, 1-11: BoRVA VP4 gene products, 12-13: no template control.
Figure 2
P genotyping of the buffalo rotavirus using VP4 gene type specific primers by semi-nested multiplex PCR
Lanes: M- 100 bp DNA Ladder, 1-4: BoRVA P[11] genotype specific PCR products.
Figure 3
G genotyping of the buffalo rotavirus using VP7 genotypes specific primers by semi-nested multiplex PCR
Lanes: M- 100 bp DNA Ladder; Lanes: 1 and 8 BoRVA G6 genotype specific products; 2: no template control; 3-7: BoRVA G10 genotype specific products.