Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Research Article
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 4(9): 489-493
Figure 1

Histological section in liver of infected group showing multiple focal granulamatous lesion in liver parenchyma especially around central vein consist of aggregation of mononuclear cells

Figure 2

Histological section in lung of infected group showing large granulomatous lesion consist of aggregation of macrophages in lung parenchyma 

Figure 3

Histological section in liver of treatment group with ethambutol + extract showing aggregation of mononuclaur cell in liver parenchyma and proliferation of kupffer cell

Figure 4

Histological section in lung of infected group showing large granulamatous lesion consist of aggregation of macrophages in lung parenchyma

Figure 5

Histological section of lung of treatment group with ethambutol revealed congestion of blood vessel with few inflammatory cell in their lumen

Figure 6

Histological section of lung of treatment group with ethambutol + extract showing aggregation of mononuclear cell in the interalveolar septa 

Figure 7

Histological section in kidney of infected group showing congestion of blood vessel with infiltration of inflammatory cell in their lumen 

Figure 8

Histological section of kidney of treatment group with ethambutol revealed cellular degeneration of epithelial cell lining renal tubule and neutrophil infiltration in the interstitial tissue

Figure 9

Histological section of kidney of treatment group with ethambutol + extract revealed cellular degeneration of epithelial cell lining renal tubule