Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Research Article
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 4 (1): 25 - 34
Figure 1
Figure 1: GC-ECD chromatogram of pesticide residues in edible egg (farm produced)
diazinon (5.496min); dimethioate (6.518min); aldrin (8.671min); metrobuzin (9.391min); ppDDD (13.769min); ppDDT (14.747min); methoxychlor (15.422min); deltamethrin (28.290min)
Figure 2
Figure 2: GC-ECD chromatogram of pesticide residues in edible egg (home produced)
diazinon (5.496min); dimethioate (6.536min); aldrin (8.666min); heptachlor epoxide (10.563min); ppDDD (13.778min); ppDDT (14.743min)
Figure 3
Figure 3: GC-ECD chromatogram of pesticide residues in un-hatched egg
diazinon (5.494min; dimethioate (6.521min); HCB (6.093min); heptachlor (8.288min); aldrin (8.659min); heptachlor epoxide (10.487min); g-chlordane (11.729min); ppDDT (14.743min), permethrin (23.082min); heptachlor epoxide (10.203min); deltamethrin (28.551min)