Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Research Article
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 3 (1S): 22 -27. Special Issue-1 (Biotechnological and molecular approaches for diagnosis, prevention and control of infectious diseases of animals)
Figure 1

Agarose gel electrophoresis of ns1 gene RT-PCR of Indian BTV16 isolates.
Lane L: Ladder 100bp; 1: GNT27/IND; 2: MBN48/IND; 3: MBN50/IND; 4: VJW66/IND; 5: BHK21 cell control; 6: Nuclese free water control. The left side numbers indicate DNA marker and right side indicated size of PCR product.

Figure 2

Agarose gel electrophoresis of vp2 gene RT-PCR of Indian BTV16 isolates.
Lane L: Ladder 100bp; 1: GNT27/IND; 2: MBN48/IND; 3: MBN50/IND; 4: VJW66/IND; 5: BHK21 cell control; 6: Nuclease free water control. The left side numbers indicate DNA marker and right side indicated size of PCR product.


Figure 3

Phylogenetic analysis of vp2 gene of Indian BTV16 isolates
Tree was constructed using neighbour joining method with 1000 bootstrap values in Mega6 software programme (Tamura et al., 2013); ●=Selected isolate in this study