Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Research Article
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 9(5): 692-699
Figure 1

Photograph showing the gastrointestinal tract of crocodile. 

Figure 2

Photograph showing structures of esophagus and stomach. 

Figure 3

Photograph showing the structures of colorectum 

Figure 4

Photograph showing the histology of gastro-interstinal tract.
A, tunica mucosa ; B, tunica submucosa; B1, fundic gland; B2, pyloric gland; B3, duodenal gland; gc, goblet cell ; LC, lymphocyte; mg, mucous gland. 

Figure 5

Photograph showing the origin of the right and left aorta. 

Figure 6

Photograph showing the branches of celiacomesentric artery. 

Figure 7

Photograph showing the branches of right gastric artery.

Figure 8

Photograph showing the branches of gastroduodenal artery. 

Figure 9

Photograph showing the arterial supply of duodenum and jejunum.