Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
A map of Egypt showing sampling locations as 1- Ismailia, 2- Sharkia (Zagazig), 3- Gharbia (Tanta), 4-Dakahleia (Mansura), and 5- Matrooh.
(A) Gel electrophoretic analysis of PCR product of duplex RT-PCR of reference IBV and NDV at Ta of 50oc; Lane M: DNA ladder; lanes 1and2: duplex RT-PCR products of IBV (700 bp), NDV (400bp); Lane 3: NTC. (B) Optimization of duplex RT-PCR in nasal swabs and tissue pools of chickens infected with AIV and NDV at 124 and 400bp respectively, lane 1 +ve AIV, lane 2 –ve, lane 3 +ve AIV, lane 4and5 +ve AIV+NDV, lane 6 +ve AIV, Lane 7 – ve, lane 8 Positive NDV.
Optimization of triplex RT-PCR in nasal swabs and tissue pools of chickens infected with AIV, NDV and IBV at 124, 400 and 700 bp respectively. lane 1: AIV monoplex, lane 2and3and4: triplex (AI+IB+ND), lane 5: duplex (AIV+IBV), lane 6: NTC.