Journal of Animal Health and Production

Case Report
J. Anim. Health Prod. 9(2): 136-139
Figure 1

Cytology of impression smear showing erythrocyte (*) and epithelial cells (arrow). (Diff-Quik stain, x40). 

Figure 2

Histopathologic section of the excised tissue: rete accentuation (*), epidermal hyperplasia (**) and keratin pearl (arrow). (H&E, 10x). Scale; 5µm. 

Figure 3

Histologic section of the excised tissue showing epidermal dysplasia (*). (H&E stain, 40x). Scale; 5µm. 

Figure 4

Histologic section of the excised tissue showing keratin pearl (arrow). (H&E, 40x). Scale; 5µm.