Journal of Animal Health and Production

Research Article
J. Anim. Health Prod. 9(1): 88-93
Figure 1

Banana-shaped bradyzoite of Sarcocystis after digestion of samples with pepsin  

Figure 2

PCR products of 18Sr RNA gene for Sarcocystis species in examined meat samples L: ladder, Neg: negative control, pos: postive control,1: Imported meat, 2: Pastrami, 3: Launcheon, 4: Minced meat, 5: Sausage, 6: Beef burger, 7: Kofta 

Figure 3

The percentage of identity of Sarcocystis species isolated from beef burger (HAM6), luncheon (LAU3), minced meat (MMT4) and pastrami (BAS2), imported frozen beef (IMP1) and sausage (SAU5) 

Figure 4

Phylogenetic relationships of Sarcocystis species isolated in the present study